Thursday, December 18, 2008

Reaching out in tough times

I have been reading a lot of advice from columnists, bloggers and consultants about how to weather these times. Many have concentrated on advising nonprofits to have a razor-sharp message; to tell donors and stakeholders exactly what their situations are during these times and hone their electronic messages.

I think this is just backwards. Everyone knows that these are tough times . .for almost everyone. The job market is uncertain and those with jobs are nervous. People who are ready to retire and who have retired are watching their portfolios decline (one of my main worries). Those of us in the marketplace are wondering who will be buying our products or services (another concern of mine).

So I think people in nonprofit have to practice what I call the platinum rule (we all know the golden rule): DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY NEED AND WANT YOU TO DO UNTO THEM.

How does this translate to your practice? It means asking those you meet about their situation - not because you are probing for dollars - but because you are genuinely concerned about their well-being! Listening to them and putting this person's needs first and yours second is the key to building a strong connection.

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