Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another blog mention from Jon Carole

Thanks Jon Carole - I missed her blog from March 22

Thankful for the Blessings We Have!

"I am reading a fascinating book. Last week I went to a 4 hour seminar called, "Let's Have Lunch Together" and that is the name of the book. It can literally change your approach to life - whether it is fund raising, asking for business - or approaching someone about their spiritual life.

The seminar was focused on fund raising for non-profits - but the principals would work the same on every facet of life. Although it is a secular book - the principals are principals that the Bible teaches -- "get to know your brother!" It is about relationships - not friendships) and how you can build them.

The author of the book and the speaker is Marshall Howard. I am hoping to put many of these ideas into action - and as Chairman of the Red Cross this coming year - I am thinking it will make a tremendous difference! I just wish I had heard this man years ago! "

Thanks so much for recognizing that these principals transcend so many parts of your life.

Click here to see her thoughts and original food ideas

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