Monday, March 2, 2009

Create an "experience"

I was talking to my brother this weekend about his experience in retail sales. He is an outside apparel rep and sells to smaller stores in large and small markets.

He believes in the personal approach and just returned from a sales swing through Arizona, Texas, Central and Northern California. I asked, "How's it going - is anyone buying?"

His answer, "They're buying from me because of the experience I create."

One owner told him she was very stressed because of the economy but my brother and his customer service people made her feel so good that his lines are some of the few she is currently buying.

Another store owner increased her order after sitting and talking to him about their kids!

My brother said he is laying the groundwork to reap more benefits when the economy rebounds. "I'm building and strengthening my relationships so that I will be on top of their list for the larger orders when the recession is over."

What can we learn? It's a famous quote "People will forget what you say. People will forget what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

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