Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reader story (plus great recipes)

You know how I like to connect with my readers. I got a delightful email from Jon Carole Gilbreath in Tyler TX. As a Chairman Elect of the Smith County Chapter of the American Red Cross, she attended my recent workshop there for United Way.

She has a fascinating blog about cooking (and life) and was kind enough to include the following mention. When you finished her blog, read "the rest of the story."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Long day and evening! Our Red Cross Board meeting was tonight at 6 p.m., and lasted over the normal hour - lots of good discussion and ideas! Another single family fire this afternoon! Still taking military calls - just hope they don't last until after 11 p.m. tonight. I am totally exhausted!

I was telling you about the book I am reading "Let's Have Lunch Together" and it is fascinating. It is about building relationships - and how to do that is to get to know a person - not try to be friends but get to know them and let them know you until there is a trust and respect for one another.

The idea to ask personal questions is something I used to admire and marvel at in a friend of ours. Jack would meet a complete stranger and before he left - he most likely knew what they did for a living, how many kids they had - and possibly how much money they made doing whatever they did. I was amazed that people would answer him -- but he knew the principal of building relationships! Still amazing - but I am trying to learn!

She has learned quite a lot!
As Chairman Elect, she is reaching out to her fellow board members. She called one person who was not very active and, as she said, "made a visit." Because they connected, this board member attended the next meeting and is much more willing to participate.

Click here to go to the blog and happy cooking!

I will be back in Tyler, Friday, May 21, for a joint United Way / Chamber of Commerce workshop, "The Key to Success. Click here for more information

1 comment:

Jon Carole Gilbreath said...

How can I ever thank you? I ordered 6 of the books and strategically picked 6 board members who are already engaged and just need momentum and a couple of great possibilities to give the books to! I am hoping to be able to order 6 more soon! I am not a Julie coping Julie - I am giving my own "tried and true" recipes and just want to teach more people to learn to cook! Thank you - thank you - thank you!!