Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wayne Olson's words of advice

When I was in Orlando recently, I met Wayne Olson, a colleague with whom I enjoy discussing fund raising and relationships.

Wayne is now the Director, Development at Give Kids the World, a non-profit resort that offers children with life threatening illnesses vacations in Orlando, Florida. Wayne is a terrific writer and wrote an engaging book "THINK Like A Donor."

Here's my summation of one of his chapters: Reward Donors and They Will Reward You

Humans do not do what we are told . . .we do what we are reward for doing.
When donors feel appreciated they will return to us again and again. Always look for the reward; it can be a small gift, lunch together or a note.

We talk about "delivering wins." First, find out what the donor think is a win and then, like Wayne says, continue to give rewards.

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