Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wayne Olson's words of advice

When I was in Orlando recently, I met Wayne Olson, a colleague with whom I enjoy discussing fund raising and relationships.

Wayne is now the Director, Development at Give Kids the World, a non-profit resort that offers children with life threatening illnesses vacations in Orlando, Florida. Wayne is a terrific writer and wrote an engaging book "THINK Like A Donor."

Here's my summation of one of his chapters: Reward Donors and They Will Reward You

Humans do not do what we are told . . .we do what we are reward for doing.
When donors feel appreciated they will return to us again and again. Always look for the reward; it can be a small gift, lunch together or a note.

We talk about "delivering wins." First, find out what the donor think is a win and then, like Wayne says, continue to give rewards.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Relationship building is good for your health

We know that connecting with someone on an emotional level feels good, but here's another article that says its good for health with all ages!

It's pretty clear that eating a healthy diet, exercising, not smoking and not drinking to excess are factors linked to longevity. Perhaps the most ignored but potentially powerful strategy, however, is being a social butterfly.

In a study published Tuesday in the journal PLoS Medicine, researchers found that having social connections -- including family, friends and colleagues -- improved the odds of survival by 50%. They authors of the study described the impact of having a dearth of social contacts as comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day in terms of its effect on longevity. Or, to put it another way, it's equivalent to being an alcoholic; is more harmful than not exercising and is twice as harmful as obesity. The researchers, from Brigham Young University, analyzed data from 148 previously published studies on old age and social interactions to reach their conclusions.

It's difficult to say why relationships matter so much to human health. It could be that people who are connected to others take better care of themselves, take fewer risks or find more meaning to their lives.

"We take relationships for granted as humans -- we're like fish that don't notice the water," a coauthor of the paper, Timothy Smith, said in a news release. "That constant interaction is not only beneficial psychologically but directly to our physical health."

The effect isn't just limited to social connections in old age, the authors said. Relationships seem to improve health among all age groups.