Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Advice to be more emotional

Here's a tip from Andy Goodman of Free Range Thinking.

He made a number of resolutions for 2011 and this one is a fundamental that I include in my relationship training.

"I resolve to be more emotional.
Don't get me wrong: I'm not suggesting you burst into tears like John Boehner every time you get in front of a microphone - nobody wants to see that. Just be more mindful of the fact that human beings are emotional creatures, and no matter how dispassionate we may pretend to be, our emotions are always in play, especially when we make decisions. A rational case supported by rigorously collected data may be entirely accurate, but it only speaks to half of the brain. If the other half is thinking, "I don't like his tone of voice," or "The other presenter made me cry," your audience may already have their minds made up against you. So keep collecting the data, but when it's your turn to talk, make sure you connect with your audience's emotions as well. "

Thanks Andy. You have to touch people (and not just with your mission).  You have to reach them emotionally to engage them to trust you and then they will listen to your message.

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