Thursday, January 31, 2008

What's In a Title

A Captain at The Salvation Army called me the other day after reading my learning novel and asked a question that I have heard many times before. Marshall, why did you title your book "Let's Have Lunch Together?"

The answer is simple...Lunch, one on one away from the office, is an accepted and relaxed business practice. Its a great way for two people to get to know each other on a deeper level and build a collaborative relationship. This is common in the for-profit sector yet, we commonly underestimate its opportunities in nonprofits.

The secret to a productive lunch with a donor, board member, or volunteer is to focus your attention on who they are as person first... Just like Oscar in my book.

So get out there and be more curious. Show interest in them and put your needs second.

This is Marshall Howard reminding you . . . giving goes where the relationship flows.

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