Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An Easy Way to Connect On The Phone

If you want to instantly connect, try this.....
Start by introducing yourself, then immediately become less formal. Relax and say "Is this a bad time for us to talk?" Let your true curiosity ring through. Share some things about yourself. Remember to use an inviting tone that draws them into your discussion.

Ask them questions such as...

If they are retired...
How long have you been retired?
How do you enjoy your time now that you have a less structured schedule?

If they are in banking...
How long have you been in banking?
Are you from here originally?

Enjoy the conversation. I'm sure you'll be surprised at what you learn. Your only goal is is to leave the conversation feeling more connected to the other person.

Give it a try...
Comment back here with your results.

This is Marshall Howard reminding you . . . giving goes where the relationship flows.

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