Monday, March 24, 2008

Go For The Glow!

I just finished a fascinating article from The New York Times titled "What Makes People Give." I was excited to read about the research from several prominent economists about why people give and the payoffs they receive. According to the article, people give to get the "warm-glow" of giving.

This confirms what I have always believed...People decide emotionally and justify logically. The emotional payoff for givers is an investment in feeling good. People aren't giving money merely to help families, they are giving to get the feeling that comes with it. They must have both.

My research has shown that, giving back to your donors emotionally pays off 10-fold. Simply reporting how many families your organization has helped does not create an emotional impact or even a cool glow.

Try this...First, have each board member send five handwritten note cards. Second, have board member call everyone they sent a card to. Just connect, don't ask for anything. Have the board member find out something about your donor as a person and share something about themselves.

Give it a try...
Comment back here with your results.

This is Marshall Howard reminding you . . . giving goes where the relationship flows.

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