Friday, February 22, 2008

How Do You Serve?

Have you ever met a high-powered person who is willing to do virtually anything to help, and wondered why? I believe it is because they embody the spirit of a servant. According to John C. Maxwell who wrote "Relationships 101 - What Every Leader Needs to Know" being a servant is not about skill, status or position. It's about an attitude of humility and giving.

Being a leader gives people a greater sense of wanting to serve and often without expecting anything in return.

My friends who sit on boards with me, agree that we volunteer because it gives us a deeper human experience and connects us to others in different way. We focus on the need and how we can help the cause.

These same leaders are some of the most influential people, yet they all serve others, not themselves. In that magic moment, our position disappears. The only thing that matters is trying to help others.

Maxwell's point is that people can serve and lead at the same time.
"You've got to love your people more than your position."

Serve as a Leader...
Put others ahead of your agenda

This is Marshall Howard reminding you . . . giving goes where the relationship flows.

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