Thursday, February 28, 2008

Too Shy to Fundraise?

In almost every nonprofit training course I facilitate someone asks me... Do I need to be outgoing to be good at relationship centered fundraising?

Not at all - Some of the shyest people I know are great relationship builders and fundraisers. I recently read that many of Ronald Regan's staffers considered him one of the shyest men they've ever met. So, how did such a shy man become "the great communicator" and President of the United States.

It's simple.

The core of building great relationships is your ability to show that you truly like people - and Ronald Regan liked all kinds of people.

I teach that building collaborative relationships is both a science and an art. In my learning novel and at my training courses people in nonprofits learn how to better execute the four relationship building fundamentals – that’s the science. I also show you how to connect with others in your own special way – that’s the art.

Show you like people...
ask questions that build rewarding relationships.

This is Marshall Howard reminding you . . . giving goes where the relationship flows.

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